More Swedish Proverbs
- Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it the most.
- Take the custom where you come.
- Hurry slowly.
- The donkey is known by his ears, the fool by his words.
- Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
- To lazy pigs the ground is always frozen.
- A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step.
- That day, that sorrow.
- Self is the best farmhand.
- Whichever way you turn you have your end in the back.
- Burnt child shuns fire.
- Laid card lies.
- Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.
- The most important thing is not to win, but to fight well.
- Don’t cross the stream to find water.
- Gold blinds many, love blinds all.
- If you buy what you don’t need, you steal from yourself.
- Better loved and lost than never loved.
- All aren’t gold that glimmers.
- Sleeping farmer gets a dreaming farmhand.
- Grab the bull by its horns.
- Thin mosquitoes bite the worse.
- Eaten bread is soon forgotten.
- Slow but steady.
- The end is good, everything is good.
- Don’t praise the day before the sun has set.
- They who want to sing will always find a song.