An educated fool is dangerous.
More American Proverbs
Christmas comes, but once a year is enough.
Close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades.
The heart has eyes that the brain knows nothing of.
It is an easy matter for a stingy man to get rich – but what’s the use?
Don’t meddle in others’ affairs unless you want your own nose scraped a little.
In fair weather prepare for foul.
A house without books is like a room without windows.
Deceit is a lie which wears a smile.
If you look back, you’ll soon be going that way.
If you eat a live toad first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen all day long.
Disappointment hurts more than pain.
Distance is the best remedy against an evil-disposed man.
Do not trust flatterers.
If the shoe fits, put it on.
There is no accounting about tastes.
Adversity has no friends.
Homely in the cradle, pretty at the table.
Hope of gain lessens pain.
Common sense is very uncommon with a lot of people.
It is a man’s challenge to go as far as he can on the right road.
Courage without conduct is like a ship without ballast.
Cultivate friends who pray for you, not prey upon you.
The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way you use them.
If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself.
Delays can be dangerous.
The sleeping fox catches no chickens.
The weaker the argument, the stronger the words.
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