A woman’s appetite is twice that of a man’s; her sexual desire, four times; her intelligence, eight times.
More Sanskrit Proverbs
There are three things that refresh the heart and reduce your grief water, flowers, and a beautiful woman.
Coming events cast their shadow before.
Silence could be used as a tool to accomplish things.
A house without a child is like a tomb.
One should save for a rainy day.
Fruitful trees bend down; Likewise, the truly great are humble.
Advice only serves to further instigate fools, not to quieten them.
A woman’s appetite is twice that of a man’s; her sexual desire, four times; her intelligence, eight times.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Over-affection is apt to suspect evil.
A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
Excess in all matters is to be avoided.
Life is a cycle of happiness followed by sufferings and vice versa.
Truth has but one color, a lie has many.
If you gently touch a nettle, it’ll sting you for your pains; grasp it like a lad of mettle, an’ as soft as silk remains.
Take a close look at today, because yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is barely a vision.
Effort of hard work will never be wasted.
Diligence is mother of good luck.
The passage of time is indeed not straight
There are none so deaf as those who will not hear advice.
A wise man gives at once, a wiser man at once refuses.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
There is no bigger virtue than compassion.
Virtues, even in an enemy should be acknowledged; Defects even in a Guru ought to be pointed out; Always, and with all endeavor should the son and the scholar be taught wisdom.
A good well-lived today makes every yesterday a dream of a good future, and every morning is a vision of hope.
A fool who knows he is a fool has a little intelligence, but a fool that thinks he is intelligent is really a fool.
They do not know their own defects, who search for the defects of others.