A fool who pretends to be clever will only highlight his foolishness.
More Tibetan Proverbs
The heedless shouldn’t be consulted for advice. The irresponsible shouldn’t be entrusted with tasks.
A statement without an example is hard to follow; tea without salt is hard to swallow.
Goodness speaks in a whisper, evil shouts.
Without a tent pole, there is no tent. Without society, there is no achievement.
Faults: Your eyes see them in others. But you need a mirror to see your own.
Excellent people are honoured wherever they go.
In this world, if one has perseverance. Knowledge is within one’s palm.
Greater wealth, greater suffering Lesser wealth, lesser suffering.
The ability to use wealth constructively is a mark of a wealthy man.
Work delayed causes regret.
If a man ill-treats others, Worse retribution awaits him.
Without character, Intelligence is of no use.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
The highest art is the art of living an ordinary life in an extraordinary manner.
Plant rice when the ground is ready; pursue women when you feel the passion.
Better than the young man’s knowledge is the old man’s experience.
In times of hardship, don’t play truant. In times of happiness, be contented
Do not make too many commitments as it will affect your reputation.
Words are mere bubbles of water; deeds are drops of gold.
Cold hearts can find warm words.
Intoxication from alcohol knows recovery, But intoxication from greed knows none.
If I know I will die tomorrow, I can still learn something tonight.
A fool who pretends to be clever will only highlight his foolishness.
Those who have saved one life have saved the entire world.
Lies are short-lived.
Wherever you have friends, that’s your country. Wherever you receive love, that’s your home.
A small cause can lead to a big result.
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