Now we are become a dual thing, no longer that which we were at first, dormant, and in a sense no longer present.
PLOTINUSBeauty addresses itself chiefly to sight, but there is a beauty for the hearing too.
More Plotinus Quotes
Knowledge, if it does not determine action, is dead to us.
You can only apprehend the Infinite by a faculty that is superior to reason.
If someone with the right conduct tries to attain to something that lies outside of it, is his goal not the right conduct.
If a man could but be turned about, he would see at once God and himself and the All.
The soul that beholds beauty becomes beautiful.
Why should I consent to the perpetuation of the image of this image?
Knowing ourselves, we are beautiful; in self-ignorance, we are ugly.
The sculptor cuts away here, smoothes there, makes this line lighter, this other purer, until he or she has shown a beautiful face upon the statue.
Beauty is rather a light that plays over the symmetry of things than that symmetry itself.
Never did eye see the sun unless it had first become sun-like, and never can the soul have vision of the First Beauty unless itself be beautiful.
From the Soul using the body as an instrument, it does not follow that the Soul must share the body’s experiences: a man does not himself feel all the experiences of the tools with which he is working.
When we look outside of that on which we depend we ignore our unity; looking outward we see many faces; look inward and all is one head.
Being is desirable because it is identical with Beauty, and Beauty is loved because it is Being.
Before we had our becoming here, we existed There, men other than now; we were pure souls.
We are not separated from spirit, we are in it.