Always bring money along with your complaints.
PLAUTUSRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Always bring money along with your complaints.
PLAUTUSCourage is what preserves our liberty, safety, life, and our homes and parents, our country and children. Courage comprises all things.
PLAUTUSThe woman who has the best perfume is she who has none.
PLAUTUSEvery one can remember that which has interested himself.
PLAUTUSA word to the wise is sufficient
PLAUTUSThe day, water, sun, moon, night – I do not have to purchase these things with money.
PLAUTUSIf you do anything well, gratitude is lighter than a feather; if you give offense in anything, people’s wrath is as heavy as lead.
PLAUTUSAll men love themselves.
PLAUTUSEvery man, however wise, needs the advice of some sagacious friend in the affairs of life.
PLAUTUSThis is the great fault of wine; it first trips up the feet: it is a cunning wrestler.
PLAUTUSWhen you fly from temptation, don’t leave a forwarding address. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
PLAUTUSAnd so it happens oft in many instances; more good is done without our knowledge than by us intended.
PLAUTUSA mouse does not rely on just one hole.
PLAUTUSIt is not fair to treat as serious that which is only said in joke.
PLAUTUSPatience is the best remedy for every trouble.
PLAUTUSA contented mind is the best source for trouble.