He who is most on his guard is often himself taken in.
PLAUTUSRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
He who is most on his guard is often himself taken in.
PLAUTUSIt is easy to rule over the good.
PLAUTUSTo an honest man, it is an honor to have remembered his duty.
PLAUTUSConquered, we conquer.
PLAUTUSMan’s fortune is usually changed at once; life is changeable.
PLAUTUSGive assistance, and receive thanks lighter than a feather: injure a man, and his wrath will be like lead.
PLAUTUSThings we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish.
PLAUTUSHe who has in due season become rich, unless he saves in due season, will in due season starve.
PLAUTUSAh yes, the gods use us mortals as footballs!
PLAUTUSI had much rather be adorned by beauty of character than by jewels. Jewels are the gift of fortune, character comes from within.
PLAUTUSA well-balanced mind is the best remedy against affliction.
PLAUTUSThe Bell never rings of itself; unless some one handles or moves it it is dumb.
PLAUTUSIf you are wise, be wise; keep what goods the gods provide you.
PLAUTUSBecause those, who twit others with their faults, should look at home.
PLAUTUSCourage is what preserves our liberty, safety, life, and our homes and parents, our country and children. Courage comprises all things.
PLAUTUSHow often the highest talent lurks in obscurity.