To snatch the worm from the trap.
PLAUTUSRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
To snatch the worm from the trap.
PLAUTUSIt is a tiresome way of speaking, when you should despatch the business, to beat about the bush.
PLAUTUSIn misfortune if you cultivate a cheerful disposition you will reap the advantage of it.
PLAUTUSIf you want to do something, do it!
PLAUTUSWe can more easily endure that which shames than that which vexes us.
PLAUTUSNo man has perpetual good fortune.
PLAUTUSDrink, live like the Greeks, eat, gorge.
PLAUTUSOne eye witness is better than ten hear sayers.
PLAUTUSCourage is its own reward.
PLAUTUSTo make any gain some outlay is necessary.
PLAUTUSI seek the utmost pleasure and the least pain.
PLAUTUSNothing is more wretched than the mind of a man conscious of guilt.
PLAUTUSWisdom is not attained by years, but by ability
PLAUTUSThe man who masters his own soul will forever be called conqueror of conquerors.
PLAUTUSMan is no man, but a wolf.
PLAUTUSAh yes, the gods use us mortals as footballs!