We can more easily endure that which shames than that which vexes us.
PLAUTUSWe can more easily endure that which shames than that which vexes us.
PLAUTUSPractice yourself what you preach.
PLAUTUSThings we not hope for often come to pass than things we wish.
PLAUTUSWisdom is not attained by years, but by ability
PLAUTUSIf you have overcome your inclination and not been overcome by it, you have reason to rejoice.
PLAUTUSFlying without feathers is not easy: my wings have no feathers.
PLAUTUSLaws are subordinate to custom.
PLAUTUSHe who falls in love meets a worse fate than he who leaps from a rock.
PLAUTUSTo make any gain some outlay is necessary.
PLAUTUSFor I know that many good things have happened to many, when least expected; and that many hopes have been disappointed.
PLAUTUSNo man is wise enough by himself.
PLAUTUSKnow this, that troubles come swifter than the things we desire.
PLAUTUSA mouse does not rely on just one hole.
PLAUTUSEven the whole of life is not sufficient for thorough learning.
PLAUTUSI count him lost, who is lost to shame.
PLAUTUSBecause those, who twit others with their faults, should look at home.