Feast today makes fast tomorrow.
PLAUTUSRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Feast today makes fast tomorrow.
PLAUTUSThe fool too late, his substance eaten up, reckons the cost.
PLAUTUSThe evil that we know is best.
PLAUTUSThere are games in which it is better to lose than win.
PLAUTUSIt is customary these days to ignore what should be done in favour of what pleases us.
PLAUTUSThis is the great fault of wine; it first trips up the feet: it is a cunning wrestler.
PLAUTUSVulgarity of manners defiles fine garments more than mud.
PLAUTUSAnd one eye-witness weighs More than ten hear-fays. Seeing is believing, All the world o’er.
PLAUTUSGood things soon find a purchaser.
PLAUTUSLet not your expenditure exceed your income.
PLAUTUSYou drown him by your talk.
PLAUTUSTo an honest man, it is an honor to have remembered his duty.
PLAUTUSA woman finds it much easier to do ill than well.
PLAUTUSIt is best to know the worst at once.
PLAUTUSHe who is most on his guard is often himself taken in.
PLAUTUSWhatever disgrace we may have deserved, it is almost always in our power to re-establish our character.