I’ve seen many men avoid the region of good advice before they were really near it.
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Anand Thakur
I’ve seen many men avoid the region of good advice before they were really near it.
PLAUTUSLet deeds match words.
PLAUTUSThe gods play games with men as balls.
PLAUTUSYou will not be a chip the richer.
PLAUTUSAnd so it happens oft in many instances; more good is done without our knowledge than by us intended.
PLAUTUSThe Bell never rings of itself; unless some one handles or moves it it is dumb.
PLAUTUSNo guest is so welcome in a friend’s house that he will not become a nuisance after three days.
PLAUTUSIf you are content, you have enough to live comfortably.
PLAUTUSOnes oldest friend is the best.
PLAUTUSHe who seeks for gain, must be at some expense.
PLAUTUSGive assistance, and receive thanks lighter than a feather: injure a man, and his wrath will be like lead.
PLAUTUSLet us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.
PLAUTUSYou must spend money, if you wish to make money.
PLAUTUSOut of many evils the evil which is least is the least of evils.
PLAUTUSFor I know that many good things have happened to many, when least expected; and that many hopes have been disappointed.
PLAUTUSThings we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish.