I believe there’s 31 flavors to be tasted. I’m just living my life. I don’t want to be your kind of good.
PINKIf God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor; Love is the rhythm and You are the music.
More Pink Quotes
I’d rather bleed with cuts of love than live without any scars.
On her daughter: And she’s going through all these changes. You know, it’s just crazy times.
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated, look I’m still around.
Right from the start, you were a thief, you stole my heart.
I’m try-sexual. I’ll try anything once.
I want art to make me think. In order to do that, it may piss me off, or make me uncomfortable. That promotes awareness and change, or at least some discussion.
My parents divorced, and I didn’t have much of a daddy growing up.
I like feeling strong. It keeps my mental floor higher.
A lot of people have problems with public confrontation, but it doesn’t worry me at all. I can handle myself. I know my martial arts.
Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. I personally don’t know a single person who doesn’t know at least two of these victims personally.
People are always so surprised when they meet me. Firstly, that I’m ‘so tiny’, and secondly that I’m ‘so sweet’. They seem surprised that they’re not scared of me.
I’m taking my rats. Those are my friends for the tour. Thelma and Louise. They’re so cute.
I’m never the kind of person who’s sitting at home reading the charts and basing how I feel about myself or even my career on stats. I’ve always based it on, ‘Am I doing the best that I can do?’
I change my mind so much I need two boyfriends and a girlfriend.
Big productions, to me, are great – like, I love going to Vegas and seeing shows – but I think that sometimes it’s distracting, especially when you are there to listen to the music.