I’ve always felt like the underdog, and I’m comfortable with that label.
PINKI have never really encountered anybody that was rude to me. Well, not to my face anyway.
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I can turn heartbreak into songs that help other people.
I’m cool. I don’t need to be skinny. I like to be strong.
I just get bored easily. As I’m sure other people do too.
My definition of freedom is knowing who you are, and then being it. No matter what anyone else is doing. And naked parties of course.
There are 50 new tabloids every year, and I’m in them, and I read them, and I do stupid things.
I’m never the kind of person who’s sitting at home reading the charts and basing how I feel about myself or even my career on stats. I’ve always based it on, ‘Am I doing the best that I can do?’
We’re not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again.
I was a very defensive kid ’cause I was really sensitive underneath and didn’t want people to know. So I came off as very tough and very angry.
You hear people say it all the time, how life changes so drastically. But you can’t possibly grasp how beautiful that is until you have your child.
I’d rather bleed with cuts of love than live without any scars.
There’s something about breaking up with someone – you just look hotter than you ever did before.
Gotta get up and try.
In my experience the best way to beat depression is to get involved in something inspiring.
I like feeling strong. It keeps my mental floor higher.
On her daughter: And she’s going through all these changes. You know, it’s just crazy times.