I’m never the kind of person who’s sitting at home reading the charts and basing how I feel about myself or even my career on stats. I’ve always based it on, ‘Am I doing the best that I can do?’
PINKI’m about to make people forget about Madonna.
More Pink Quotes
Change the voices in your head. Make them like you instead.
You hear people say it all the time, how life changes so drastically. But you can’t possibly grasp how beautiful that is until you have your child.
When I first appeared, people couldn’t figure out whether I was gay, straight, black, white or whatever, and I loved that. I loved the fact it scares people.
This life gets lonely when everybody wants something.
Long-term relationships are an everyday choice. It’s harder to be in a marriage than it is to bounce from one relationship to the next.
Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. I personally don’t know a single person who doesn’t know at least two of these victims personally.
To experience the good you have to have seen the bad; plus it makes you appreciate blessings more. Tough times taught me to be a fighter.
We hate so fast and we love too slow.
I’ve always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don’t fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. And somehow we humans think we’re smarter-what a joke.
I know I should stop smoking, but it scares me. I mean, what would I turn to next?
People are always so surprised when they meet me. Firstly, that I’m ‘so tiny’, and secondly that I’m ‘so sweet’. They seem surprised that they’re not scared of me.
I believe there’s 31 flavors to be tasted. I’m just living my life. I don’t want to be your kind of good.
I can turn heartbreak into songs that help other people.
Loads of my friends are lesbians, and it really annoys me that gay people aren’t allowed to get married in most parts of America. I’d go on a march for gay rights any time.
I just get bored easily. As I’m sure other people do too.