I’m very involved with PETA – People for Ethical Treatment of Animals – and Greenpeace and a lot of women’s shelter and clothing giveaways.
PINKI know I should stop smoking, but it scares me. I mean, what would I turn to next?
More Pink Quotes
I was a very defensive kid ’cause I was really sensitive underneath and didn’t want people to know. So I came off as very tough and very angry.
I’m such a control freak, and it’s very hard for me to lose my inhibitions without something chemical inside me.
When you have a dark side, nothing is ever as good as it seems.
Gotta get up and try.
I’d love to have time to do my hair, honestly. I’d love to be Victoria Beckham just for one day – to look that good. But I can’t.
You can’t move mountains by whispering at them.
There’s something about breaking up with someone – you just look hotter than you ever did before.
Loads of my friends are lesbians, and it really annoys me that gay people aren’t allowed to get married in most parts of America. I’d go on a march for gay rights any time.
There are 50 new tabloids every year, and I’m in them, and I read them, and I do stupid things.
True beauty is knowing who you are and what you want and never apologizing for it.
I think the best day will be when we no longer talk about being gay or straight. It’s not a gay wedding, it’s just a wedding. It’s not a gay marriage, it’s just a marriage.
To experience the good you have to have seen the bad; plus it makes you appreciate blessings more. Tough times taught me to be a fighter.
Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. I personally don’t know a single person who doesn’t know at least two of these victims personally.
The last time I checked, the only difference between my gay friends and I is who we choose to love. I’m not sure how that warrants a loss of rights, but it needs to stop. What ever happened to liberty and justice for all?
I dedicate my love and whole heart this Memorial Day to my Dad, a soldier, who like many others, suffers in silence with pride and honor.