I’d rather bleed with cuts of love than live without any scars.
PINKBig productions, to me, are great – like, I love going to Vegas and seeing shows – but I think that sometimes it’s distracting, especially when you are there to listen to the music.
More Pink Quotes
When I was in seventh grade my mom caught me smoking cigarettes and punished me by making me smoke the entire carton. All it did was piss me off because I was out of cigarettes.
If God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor; Love is the rhythm and You are the music.
I’m very involved with PETA – People for Ethical Treatment of Animals – and Greenpeace and a lot of women’s shelter and clothing giveaways.
My dad raised me with some good advice: ‘Always tell the truth. Always shoot from the hip. You might not have many friends, but you’ll never have enemies, because people will always know where you’re coming from.’
I’m not barbie, and i’m alright with that.
My definition of stupid is wasting your opportunity to be yourself because I think everybody has a uniqueness and everybody’s good at something.
I have never really encountered anybody that was rude to me. Well, not to my face anyway.
I see you try to hurt me bad. Don’t know what you’re up against. Maybe you should reconsider; come up with another plan. Cause you know I’m not that kinda girl. I’ll just get back up again.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring people together, Other times it just takes music.
Sage is cleansing and sacred.
I have to speak for myself. As far as videos go – casting, the artwork, everything – I’m completely hands-on. You have to be if you want your points across.
I think the best day will be when we no longer talk about being gay or straight. It’s not a gay wedding, it’s just a wedding. It’s not a gay marriage, it’s just a marriage.
My parents divorced, and I didn’t have much of a daddy growing up.
I was a very defensive kid ’cause I was really sensitive underneath and didn’t want people to know. So I came off as very tough and very angry.
I love the shows that are in dingy little dark clubs, smoky, no production whatsoever.