Even success softens not the heart of the envious.
PINDAREvery gift which is given, even though is be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.
More Pindar Quotes
Whatever is beautiful is beautiful by necessity.
In all things rest is sweet; there is sure feit even in honey, even in Aphrodites lovely flowers.
Forge thy tongue on an anvil of truth and what flies up, though it be but a spark, will have light.
A good deed hidden in silence dies.
The days that are still to come are the wisest witnesses.
Unsung, the noblest deed will die.
Natural ability is by far the best, but many men have succeeded in winning high renown by skill that is the fruit of teaching.
A thing said walks in immortality if it has been said well.
Creatures of a day, what is any one? What is he not? Man is but a dream of a shadow. Yet when there comes as a gift of heaven a gleam of sunshine, there rest upon men a radiant light and, aye, a gentle life.
Wrapt up in error is the human mind, And human bliss is ever insecure; Know we what fortune yet remains behind? Know we how long the present shall endure?
If one but tell a thing well, it moves on with undying voice, and over the fruitful earth and across the sea goes the bright gleam of noble deeds ever unquenchable.
Water is best, but gold shines like fire blazing in the night, supreme of lordly wealth.
There are many roads to happiness, if the gods assent.
To our own sorrows serious heed we give, But for another?s we soon cease to grieve.
Learn what you are and be such.