Humble in a humble state and great in greatness, I will work out the divinity that is busy within my mind.
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Anand Thakur
Humble in a humble state and great in greatness, I will work out the divinity that is busy within my mind.
PINDARCreatures of a day, what is any one? What is he not? Man is but a dream of a shadow. Yet when there comes as a gift of heaven a gleam of sunshine, there rest upon men a radiant light and, aye, a gentle life.
PINDAROne race there is of men, one of gods, but from one mother we both draw our breath.
PINDARThe days that are still to come are the wisest witnesses.
PINDARThere are many roads to happiness, if the gods assent.
PINDARThe noblest of the elements is water.
PINDARIt is God that accomplishes all term to hopes, God, who overtakes the flying eagle, outpasses the dolphin in the sea; who bends under his strength the man with thoughts too high.
PINDAREven wisdom has to yield to self-interest.
PINDARFor lawless joys a bitter ending waits.
PINDARTime is the turning over of days, works change for better or worse.
PINDARI will not steep my speech in lies; the test of any man lies in action.
PINDARI will be small in small things, great among great.
PINDARWar is sweet for those who haven’t experienced it.
PINDARLaw, the king of all mortals and immortals.
PINDARTo bear lightly the neck’s yoke brings strength; but kicking against the goads is the way of failure.
PINDARIf any man thinks to swindle God, he is wrong.