A good deed hidden in silence dies.
PINDARRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
A good deed hidden in silence dies.
PINDARMankind is a dream of a shadow.
PINDARMany a time the thing left silent makes for happiness.
PINDARNatural ability is by far the best, but many men have succeeded in winning high renown by skill that is the fruit of teaching.
PINDARIf one but tell a thing well, it moves on with undying voice, and over the fruitful earth and across the sea goes the bright gleam of noble deeds ever unquenchable.
PINDARWhatever is beautiful is beautiful by necessity.
PINDAREven success softens not the heart of the envious.
PINDAREvery noble deed dieth, if suppressed in silence.
PINDARWhen men succeed, even their neighbors think them wise.
PINDARWith our mortal minds we should seek from the gods that which becomes us.
PINDARI will be small in small things, great among great.
PINDARHumble in a humble state and great in greatness, I will work out the divinity that is busy within my mind.
PINDARLaw, the king of all mortals and immortals.
PINDAREven genius is tied to profit.
PINDAREvery gift which is given, even though is be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.
PINDARWater is best, but gold shines like fire blazing in the night, supreme of lordly wealth.