One race there is of men, one of gods, but from one mother we both draw our breath.
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Anand Thakur
One race there is of men, one of gods, but from one mother we both draw our breath.
PINDARLearn what you are and be such.
PINDARConvention is the ruler of all.
PINDAREven wisdom has to yield to self-interest.
PINDAREvery noble deed dieth, if suppressed in silence.
PINDARTo be envied is a nobler fate than to be pitied.
PINDARMany a time the thing left silent makes for happiness.
PINDARTo our own sorrows serious heed we give, But for another?s we soon cease to grieve.
PINDARO my soul, do not aspire to immortal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible.
PINDARWords have a longer life than deeds.
PINDARIt is God that accomplishes all term to hopes, God, who overtakes the flying eagle, outpasses the dolphin in the sea; who bends under his strength the man with thoughts too high.
PINDARThough God alone never tastes woe, Yet that man is happy, and poets sing of him, Who conquers with hand or swift foot And wins the greatest of prizes By steadfastness and strength.
PINDARThe race of gods and men is one, and from one mother we both draw our breath. Yet all the difference in our power holds us apart, so that man is nothing, but the brazen floor of heaven is eternally unshakable.
PINDARMankind is a dream of a shadow.
PINDARCreatures of a day, what is any one? What is he not? Man is but a dream of a shadow. Yet when there comes as a gift of heaven a gleam of sunshine, there rest upon men a radiant light and, aye, a gentle life.
PINDARWhatever is beautiful is beautiful by necessity.