Even wisdom has to yield to self-interest.
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Anand Thakur
Even wisdom has to yield to self-interest.
PINDAROf the good things given between man and man, I say that a neighbor, true and loving in heart, to neighbor is a joy beyond all things else.
PINDAREvery gift which is given, even though is be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.
PINDARSweet is war to those who know it not.
PINDARA graceful and honorable old age is the childhood of immortality.
PINDARThe present will not long endure.
PINDARWith our mortal minds we should seek from the gods that which becomes us.
PINDAREven now I am full of hope, but the end lies in God.
PINDARI will be small in small things, great among great.
PINDARI will not steep my speech in lies; the test of any man lies in action.
PINDARWe are things of a day. What are we? What are we not? The shadow of a dream is man, no more.
PINDARTo our own sorrows serious heed we give, But for another?s we soon cease to grieve.
PINDARMankind is a dream of a shadow.
PINDAREvery noble deed dieth, if suppressed in silence.
PINDARSuccess abides longer among men when it is planted by the hand of God.
PINDARNot every truth is the better for showing its face undisguised; and often silence is the wisest thing for a man to heed.