Do you ever just add things you’ve already done to your to-do list, then cross them over right away to feel more productive? Me neither.
PEWDIEPIEDo you ever just add things you’ve already done to your to-do list, then cross them over right away to feel more productive? Me neither.
More PewDiePie Quotes
I’m not out to max my income. I think my viewers would call me on that right away if I did.
The fact that Disney bought Maker Studios doesn’t really change anything for me.
Random acts of kindness is the worst thing like f**k off honestly.
If someone hates your guts, feed it to them if someone loves your guts, they’re probably a zombie.
Save the Children is an awesome charity that has helped more than 125 million children, providing everything from school books to food to blankets and shelter.
I just want to connect with you bros. That’s all I care about, because you bros’ support really means everything to me.
This dog. Is possibly the dumbest dog in the world. I’ve had him for 2 years since today He’s been my boo ever since.
Life is too short to focus on the things you hate, focus on what you love instead.
Dropping the news to my parents that I was skipping my ‘dream education’ at Chalmers to sit at home recording videos while playing video games was not easy.
Don’t be a salad, be the best damn broccoli you could ever be.
Unless you stop trying, how can you not fail anymore.
Comments are my main way to communicate with you bros.
Yellow is evil, so don’t drink your piss.
Everyday is a new fresh start. To go straight back to bed.
Face your problems! Unless your problem is your face.