Nothing mortal is enduring, and there is nothing sweet which does not presently end in bitterness.
PETRARCHSameness is the mother of disgust, variety the cure.
More Petrarch Quotes
I looked back at the summit of the mountain, which seemed but a cubit high in comparison with the height of human contemplation, were in not too often merged in the corruptions of the earth.
Wanting is not enough, long and you attain it.
Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good.
When the poet died his cat was put to death and mummified.
Ruthless striving, overcomes everything.
The time will come when every change shall cease, This quick revolving wheel shall rest in peace: No summer then shall glow, not winter freeze; Nothing shall be to come, and nothing past, But an eternal now shall ever last.
I saw the tracks of angels in the earth: the beauty of heaven walking by itself on the world.
He loves but lightly who his love can tell.
It is more honorable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other.
Life in itself is short enough, but the physicians with their art, know to their amusement, how to make it still shorter.
Five enemies of peace inhabit with us – avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride; if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace.
Great errors seldom originate but with men of great minds.
Man has no greater enemy than himself. I have acted contrary to my sentiments and inclination; throughout our whole lives we do what we never intended, and what we proposed to do, we leave undone.
Often on earth the gentlest heart is fain To feed and banquet on another’s woe.
Death had his grudge against me, and he got up in the way, like an armed robber, with a pike in his hand.