I desire that death find me ready and writing, or if it please Christ, praying and intears.
PETRARCHAn equal doom clipp’d Time’s blest wings of peace.
More Petrarch Quotes
Virtue is health, vice is sickness.
I freeze and burn, love is bitter and sweet, my sighs are tempests and my tears are floods, I am in ecstasy and agony, I am possessed by memories of her and I am in exile from myself.
From thought to thought, from mountain peak to mountain. Love leads me on; for I can never still My trouble on the world’s well beaten ways.
Five enemies of peace inhabit with us – avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride; if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace.
I know and love the good, yet, ah! the worst pursue.
A short cut to riches is to subtract from our desires.
The end of doubt is the beginning of repose.
Wanting is not enough, long and you attain it.
Death is a sleep that ends our dreaming. Oh, that we may be allowed to wake before death wakes us.
A short cut to riches is to subtract from our desires.
For style beyond the genius never dares.
How fortune brings to earth the over-sure!
And men go about to wonder at the heights of the mountains, and the mighty waves of the sea, and the wide sweep of rivers, and the circuit of the ocean, and the revolution of the stars, but themselves they consider not.
When the poet died his cat was put to death and mummified.
Man has no greater enemy than himself. I have acted contrary to my sentiments and inclination; throughout our whole lives we do what we never intended, and what we proposed to do, we leave undone.