How quick the old woe follows a little bliss!
PETRARCHI have taken pride in others, never in myself.
More Petrarch Quotes
Man has no greater enemy than himself. I have acted contrary to my sentiments and inclination; throughout our whole lives we do what we never intended, and what we proposed to do, we leave undone.
The aged love what is practical while impetuous youth longs only for what is dazzling.
My flowery and green age was passing away, and I feeling a chill in the fires had been wasting my heart, for I was drawing near the hillside above the grave.
A good death does honour to a whole life.
Death is a sleep that ends our dreaming. Oh, that we may be allowed to wake before death wakes us.
I desire that death find me ready and writing, or if it please Christ, praying and intears.
Hope is incredible to the slave of grief.
The time will come when every change shall cease, This quick revolving wheel shall rest in peace: No summer then shall glow, not winter freeze; Nothing shall be to come, and nothing past, But an eternal now shall ever last.
I freeze and burn, love is bitter and sweet, my sighs are tempests and my tears are floods, I am in ecstasy and agony, I am possessed by memories of her and I am in exile from myself.
Do you suppose there is any living man so unreasonable that if he found himself stricken with a dangerous ailment he would not anxiously desire to regain the blessing of health?
For though I am a body of this earth, my firm desire is born from the stars.
Life in itself is short enough, but the physicians with their art, know to their amusement, how to make it still shorter.
Death had his grudge against me, and he got up in the way, like an armed robber, with a pike in his hand.
Reality is always the foe of famous names.
And tears are heard within the harp I touch.