Often have I wondered with much curiosity as to our coming into this world and what will follow our departure.
PETRARCHGreat errors seldom originate but with men of great minds.
More Petrarch Quotes
Reality is always the foe of famous names.
Love is the crowning grace of humanity.
I freeze and burn, love is bitter and sweet, my sighs are tempests and my tears are floods, I am in ecstasy and agony, I am possessed by memories of her and I am in exile from myself.
There is no lighter burden, nor more agreeable, than a pen.
To be able to say how much love, is love but little.
When the poet died his cat was put to death and mummified.
Continued work and application form my soul’s nourishment. So soon as I commenced to rest and relax I should cease to live.
Go, grieving rimes of mine, to that hard stone Whereunder lies my darling, lies my dear, And cry to her to speak from heaven’s sphere.
The aged love what is practical while impetuous youth longs only for what is dazzling.
I rejoiced in my progress, mourned my weaknesses, and commiserated the universal instability of human conduct.
I freeze and burn, love is bitter and sweet, my sighs are tempests and my tears are floods, I am in ecstasy and agony, I am possessed by memories of her and I am in exile from myself.
Ruthless striving, overcomes everything.
To begin with myself, then, the utterances of men concerning me will differ widely, since in passing judgment almost every one is influenced not so much by truth as by preference, and good and evil report alike know no bounds.
My flowery and green age was passing away, and I feeling a chill in the fires had been wasting my heart, for I was drawing near the hillside above the grave.
Events appear sad, pleasant, or painful, not because they are so in reality, but because we believe them to be so and the light in which we look at them depends upon our own judgment.