There is no model, there is only color.
PAUL CEZANNERelated Topics

There is no model, there is only color.
PAUL CEZANNEYou have no idea how life-giving it is to find around one a youth that agrees not to bury one on the spot.
PAUL CEZANNEYou say a new era in art is preparing; you sensed it coming; continue your studies without weakening. God will do the rest.
PAUL CEZANNEThe most seductive thing about art is the personality of the artist himself.
PAUL CEZANNEI am beginning to consider myself stronger than all those around me, and you know that the good opinion I have of myself has only been reached after mature consideration.
PAUL CEZANNEI wished to copy nature. I could not. But I was satisfied when I discovered the sun, for instance, could not be reproduced, but only represented by something else.
PAUL CEZANNEChatter about art is almost always useless.
PAUL CEZANNETell me, do you think I’m going mad? I sometimes wonder, you know.
PAUL CEZANNETreat nature by the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, everything in proper perspective so that each side of an object or a plane is directed towards a central point.
PAUL CEZANNETime and reflection change the sight little by little ’till we come to understand.
PAUL CEZANNEThere is no such thing as an amateur artist as different from a professional artist. There is only good art and bad art.
PAUL CEZANNEI advance all of my canvas at one time.
PAUL CEZANNELong live the sun which gives us such beautiful color.
PAUL CEZANNEGenius is the ability to renew one’s emotions in daily experience.
PAUL CEZANNEEverything in nature takes its form from the sphere, the cone and the cylinder.
PAUL CEZANNEAll pictures painted inside in the studio will never be as good as the things done outside.