I want to die painting.
PAUL CEZANNERelated Topics

I want to die painting.
PAUL CEZANNEI could paint for a hundred years, a thousand years without stopping and I would still feel as though I knew nothing.
PAUL CEZANNEIt took me 40 years to find out that painting is not sculpture.
PAUL CEZANNEAn art which isn’t based on feeling isn’t an art at all feeling is the principle, the beginning and the end; craft, objective, technique – all these are in the middle.
PAUL CEZANNEThe landscape becomes human, becomes a thinking, living being within me. I become one with my picture…we merge in an iridescent chaos.
PAUL CEZANNEI am progressing very slowly, for nature reveals herself to me in very complex forms; and the progress needed is incessant.
PAUL CEZANNEFor an Impressionist to paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.
PAUL CEZANNEDoubtless there are things in nature which have not yet been seen. If an artist discovers them, he opens the way for his successors.
PAUL CEZANNETime and reflection, modify, little by little, our vision, and at last comprehension comes to us.
PAUL CEZANNEIt is not about painting life, it is about making the painting alive.
PAUL CEZANNETime and reflection change the sight little by little ’till we come to understand.
PAUL CEZANNEIt is impossible for emotion not to come on us in thinking of that time now flowed away.
PAUL CEZANNEEverything in nature takes its form from the sphere, the cone and the cylinder.
PAUL CEZANNEYou must think. The eye is not enough; it needs to think as well.
PAUL CEZANNESee how the light tenderly love the apricots, it takes them over completely, enters into their pulp, light them from all sides! But it is miserly with the peaches and light only one side of them.
PAUL CEZANNEArt first of all is optical. That’s where the material of our art is: in what our eyes think.