The book of Nature is that which the physician must read; and to do so he must walk over the leaves.
PARACELSUSThe dose makes the poison.
More Paracelsus Quotes
I am different. Let this not upset you.
The art of medicine has its roots in the heart.
Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.
Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new.
What the eyes perceive in herbs or stones or trees is not yet a remedy; the eyes see only the dross.
We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself.
All things are poisons. It is simply the dose that distinguishes between a poison and a remedy.
When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven, as it were, and from it the work that he desires to create flows into him… For such is the immensity of man that he is greater than heaven and earth.
The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.
Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the result, that the (occult) arts are so uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain.
Women’s regular bleeding engenders phantoms.
The art of medicine cannot be inherited, nor can it be copied from books
Dreams must be heeded and accepted. For a great many of them come true.
Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes.
Dreams are not without meaning wherever they may come from — from fantasy, from the elements, or from another inspiration.