When love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.
OSHOThe greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.
More Osho Quotes
Fame is foolish, it is pointless, meaningless.
Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness.
Aloneness is your nature. You were born alone, you will die alone. And you are living alone without understanding it, without being fully aware of it. You misunderstand aloneness as loneliness; it is simply a misunderstanding. You are sufficient unto yourself.
My whole teaching consists of two words, meditation and love.
You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you.
Truth is not to be found outside. No teacher, no scripture can give it to you. It is inside you and if you wish to attain it, seek your own company. Be with yourself.
To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty.
Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.
It is a strange thing ,that every child is born with a closed hand , and every body dies with an open hand.
Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.
Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.
There exists no God. What exists is godliness, and that godliness surrounds you. We are all in the same ocean.
If you really want peace on earth, create peace in your heart, in your being. That is the right place to begin with and then spread.
Love is the goal, life is the journey.
No relationship can truly grow if you go on holding back.