One can not understand language because language cannot understand itself; does not want to understand.
NOVALISPhilosophy can bake no bread; but she can procure for us God, Freedom, Immortality. Which, then, is more practical, Philosophy or Economy?
More Novalis Quotes
A complete need should not exist love, life in common with loved ones?
Everywhere we seek the Absolute, and always we find only things.
Every disease is a musical problem. Its cure a musical solution. The more rapid and complete the solution, the greater the musical talent of the doctor.
I often feel, and ever more deeply I realize, that fate and character are the same conception.
The ideal of morality has no more dangerous rival than the ideal of highest strength, of most powerful life. It is the maximum of the savage.
Nature is an aeolian harp, a musical instrument whose tones are the re-echo of higher strings within us.
Character is a wish for a perfect education.
Philosophy is really nostalgia, the desire to be at home.
Every stage of education begins with childhood. That is why the most educated person on earth so much resembles a child.
To know a truth well, one must have fought it out.
Many things are too delicate to be thought; many more, to be spoken.
Everything at a distance turns into poetry; distant mountains, distant people, distant events; all become Romantic.
If the world is a precipitation of human nature, so to speak, then the divine world is a sublimation of the same. Both occur in one act. No precipitation without sublimation. What goes lost there in agility, is won here.
Life is the beginning of death. Life is for the sake of death. Death is at once the end and the beginning—at once separation and closer union of the self. Through death the reduction is complete.
When you understand how to love one thing, then you also understand how to love everything.