The year 1999, seventh month, from Heaven will come a great king of terror: to bring back to life the great King of Angolmois. Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
NOSTRADAMUSThe year 1999, seventh month, from Heaven will come a great king of terror: to bring back to life the great King of Angolmois. Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
NOSTRADAMUSHercules King of Rome and of Annemark, three times one surnamed de Gaulle will lead, Italy and the one of St. Mark to tremble, first monarch, renowned above all.
NOSTRADAMUSIt is the circuit of the great ruinous deed when the name of the seventh is that of the fifth; when the third, even greater, the warlike stranger will take Paris, nor will Provence save her.
NOSTRADAMUSThe sudden death of the leading man will cause change, making another man leader. Soon, but too late, the young man will attain high office. By land and sea, he will be feared.
NOSTRADAMUSA soldier of fortune with twisted tongue will come to pillage the sanctuary of the gods; To the heretics he will open the gate, thus stirring up the Church militant.
NOSTRADAMUSNear the gates and within two cities there will be scourges the like of which was never seen: famine within plague, people put out by steel, crying to the great immortal God for relief.
NOSTRADAMUSVery near Auch, Lectoure, and Mirande, great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. A most stupendous and astonishing event will occur. Very soon afterwards, the earth will tremble.
NOSTRADAMUSFor the demise of the Latin monarch, he who will reign with help and support will burn a brilliant fire. The Republic’s booty divided and its bold dream disappeared.
NOSTRADAMUSThere will be a great loss of learning before the moon’s full cycle is completed. Fire and floods will be fomented by ignorant rulers; much time will go by before it is rectified.
NOSTRADAMUSWhen the venerable pontiff’s hour has come, a Roman of good age shall be elected, of whom it will be said that he dishonored his throne though he held it long, with virtuous acts.
NOSTRADAMUSA great stench will come from Lausanne, but they will not know its origin; they will put out all people from distant places, fire seen in the sky, a foreign nation defeated.
NOSTRADAMUSSooner and later you will see great changes made, dreadful horrors and vengeances. For as the Moon is thus led by its angel, the heavens draw near to the Balance.
NOSTRADAMUSThat which neither weapon nor flame could accomplish will be achieved by a sweet speaking tongue in council.
NOSTRADAMUSThe blood of the just will be demanded of London, burnt by fire in the year ’66. The ancient Lady will fall from her high place, and many of the same sect will be killed.
NOSTRADAMUSThe inflated imitations of gold and silver, which after the rapture are thrown into the fire, all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt. All scrips and bonds are wiped out. At the fourth pillar dedicated to Saturn, split by earthquake and flood: vexing everyone, an urn of gold is found and then restored.
NOSTRADAMUSTo the Spains will come a very powerful king, by land and sea subjugating the South; This will cause harm, lowering again the crescent, clipping the wings of those of Friday.