Every time I get in the studio, I feel like I wanna have some fun.
NASYou can’t please everybody. You’d be crazy if you’re trying to. So take some time out to do some things for yourself.
More Nas Quotes
Africa has been going through so much for so many years; it’s time that it stands up the way other nations are standing up.
When you’re a teenager, you want to meet a lot of girls – you want to get the most girls.
Even if you make mistakes, I go back to those things, my not-so-great moments because those are my truest moments; those are my human moments. I’m not even mad at the things I said that were a little dicey.
I don’t get jealousy, I don’t get how people hate each other – I never did.
I think marriage is a beautiful thing. I’m still a supporter of it.
There comes a time when things can work out and everybody can be happy. And that’s what it’s all about in the end – everybody being happy and working it out.
I definitely have plans to do more collaboration albums in the future.
It speaks to your livelihood and it’s not compromised. It’s blunt. It’s raw, straight off the street – from the beat to the voice to the words.
I don’t go out unless I’m working. My quality time is when I’m doing nothing.
I’m not talking about Russia in my music. I’ve never been to Russia. I’m not talking about Africa, Switzerland, China.
I never cared for politics before Barack Obama. I never thought it mattered to people like me.
When you have a daughter, you want to protect her from the things that I’ve seen out there, you know, the things that’s out there that ain’t good for her. It’s a crazy world we live in.
Some people say I’m conscious, some say I’m a gangsta rapper – it’s just me doing me. I’m stomping in my own lane. I’m doing what I do.
No matter who you are, black, white, green, there’s going to be things in your way, you know what I mean?
It’s never been seen that a street artist go as far as I’ve gone – keep consistent without wanting to do a bunch of ventures outside of music to keep my face out there.