N.Y. hip-hop is ok, but we gotta become brave again; we have to be brave enough and do something new – that’s what New York is about… New.
NASAfrica has been going through so much for so many years; it’s time that it stands up the way other nations are standing up.
More Nas Quotes
Even if you make mistakes, I go back to those things, my not-so-great moments because those are my truest moments; those are my human moments. I’m not even mad at the things I said that were a little dicey.
Working with great people makes you great; you learn a lot and it also gives you the experience and confidence to move on with your own career.
Hip-hop artists, especially the older ones, are the ones who knew hip-hop was a worldwide phenomenon before the mainstream caught on, so hip-hop artists are forward thinkers. We want to stay with the new.
My fun is not doing the easy work. My fun is doing what’s me.
Unfortunately, man, a lot of places in America have to deal with unnecessary violence.
All fatherhood is very important because single mothers shouldn’t have to raise sons or daughters; they need that help.
Anybody I’m dating, I don’t want them to talk about my music. I don’t talk about my music to them.
I think hip-hop could help rebuild America, once hip-hoppers own hip-hop… We are our own politicians, our own government, we have something to say. We’re warriors. Soldiers.
I had a pretty public divorce. They’re not easy – divorces – and it took me a long time to really get through.
I don’t want any title. I just say what I say, and hopefully somebody gets it, man. I’m not perfect, and I’m just here and trying to make a dollar, and being real at the same time, you know?
I want to have fun. It’s a beautiful life. You learn, you win, you lose, but you get up.
My earliest memories of rap music was mixed with my earliest memories of reggae music. They were big sounds around the way, heavy bass lines, strong messages, definitely.
When you have a daughter, you want to protect her from the things that I’ve seen out there, you know, the things that’s out there that ain’t good for her. It’s a crazy world we live in.
I’m a big fan of Common. I’m a big fan of Scarface; I’m a big fan of so many people, from Jeezy to… well, there are a lot of people’s music that I respect.
I don’t have time for the news clippings. I got my own mission.