The sound of the ’90s, to me, is a combination of soul and street – it’s a feeling.
NASGaGa is one of my favourites. Her voice is incredible and she’s fearless and she’s ahead of the game. She’s ahead of the entire game, and I admire that.
More Nas Quotes
Hip-hop is making a lot of noise. It should get some more spotlight.
My fun is not doing the easy work. My fun is doing what’s me.
Hip-hop artists, especially the older ones, are the ones who knew hip-hop was a worldwide phenomenon before the mainstream caught on, so hip-hop artists are forward thinkers. We want to stay with the new.
Hip-hop is really standoffish. It’s really competitive and it’s really about who’s number one all the time. Sometimes it gets out of hand.
I wish the music business was a much easier thing, but you know what? Nothing easy is worth anything. So it is what it is.
No matter who you are, black, white, green, there’s going to be things in your way, you know what I mean?
Divorce can be crazy. Man, if you’re happy… Love is a beast, man. Hold on. Be prepared for any way it may go, and be honest.
I like the way hip-hop is now. It’s grown up enough so that it can get involved with politics if it feels like it.
There was a side of me that knew I was gonna change the game, but I didn’t know how many people would respect it.
Every generation witnesses atrocities. People in power try to fulfill prophecy.
Once you make it to your point of making it, you’ll appreciate the struggle.
I think hip-hop could help rebuild America, once hip-hoppers own hip-hop… We are our own politicians, our own government, we have something to say. We’re warriors. Soldiers.
I think the hip-hop purists are purists through and through. They’re here to criticize all of us. That’s just how it is. We as MC’s criticize each other. That’s the nature of hip-hop.
Hip-hop is bigger than the South; hip-hop is bigger than New York.
I’m smiling. Those things are really not bad enough to put me in a slump. I’m smiling with the opportunity to wake up every morning.