I’m not a star. I don’t feel I’m so great. So how can I make you feel great just because you’ve got my signature on a piece of paper?
MR. TI didn’t come to Hollywood. Hollywood came to me. A lot of people wish they could say the things I say. Everyone out here is so phony, it’s sickening.
More Mr. T Quotes
My mother raised me with God. We were poor financially, but we were rich spiritually.
MR. T -
It takes a smart man to play dumb.
MR. T -
I’ve turned those steel chains into gold to symbolize the fact that I’m still a slave, only my price tag is higher.
MR. T -
My reputation grew because I was a professional. I did my job, and I was courteous – a no-nonsense guy.
MR. T -
I sent out a tweet, ‘Dancing with the Stars’ should stop the jibber jabber.
MR. T -
When I’m in the house of God, I don’t wear my jewelry, if you’re looking for my jewelry. All you see is my heart of gold.
MR. T -
Left ear, I wear four earrings. The four is symbolic of the four seasons, spring, winter, summer and fall, the four directions, north, east, south and west, the four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
MR. T -
Any man who doesn’t love his mama can’t be no friend of mine.
MR. T -
I hold the door for the ladies – I’m a gent.
MR. T -
I’m not the same man I used to be, I’m not out hell-raising, stuff like that. I am a changed man.
MR. T -
We had the wood shop, the machine shop, so I know about all that. I wanted to build buildings when I graduated from high school. I do know my way around that stuff.
MR. T -
I don’t like magic – but I have been known to make guys disappear.
MR. T -
Gold was a gift to Jesus. If it’s good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!
MR. T -
I am a Christian, and the Bible teaches me to forgive.
MR. T -
My celebrity status allows me an opportunity, allows me a pulpit to preach and reach out to the people.