I pray to God. I don’t pray to the president, the governor, the mayor, no black caucus, no this and that. I pray to God, and that’s the end of it.
MR. TIf you can’t read, the only thing you can do is enjoy the pictures, not the whole story.
More Mr. T Quotes
Visiting the hospital, visiting the kids with cancer, visiting the adults, and stuff like that. That’s what I do.
MR. T -
I believe in the Golden Rule – The Man with the Gold… Rules.
MR. T -
In high school, I majored in brick masonry.
MR. T -
As a kid, I got three meals a day. Oatmeal, miss-a-meal and no meal.
MR. T -
Lord, so when I speak, my words might motivate, might inspire somebody, Lord, when they see me, let them see you. When they hear me, Lord, let them hear you. In your holy name I pray.’
MR. T -
When I go out and I meet people who are suffering and they come and talk to me, Mr. T cries, Mr. T who could break a man’s jaw with his fist.
MR. T -
You know, T can stand for anything. T stand for working hard. T stand for loving thy neighbor. T stand for feeding the hungry. T stand for just working, working, working, being happy on the set, you know, lifting everybody’s spirits. T stands for just a nice guy.
MR. T -
Don’t be getting sloppy drunk and telling them dirty jokes.
MR. T -
I used to bodyguard for some celebrities and other people, and when I wasn’t doing that, I used to work at a disco as a doorman or a bouncer.
MR. T -
Rocky’ and ‘Rocky III’ were the best.
MR. T -
I believed in God when cancer come to me. Now when I speak, I speak with authority because I’ve been there.
MR. T -
My mother is a strong, wonderful woman. I could never be anything she didn’t want me to be.
MR. T -
When my ancestors came from Africa, they were shackled by our neck, our wrists, and our ankles in steel chains.
MR. T -
Guys who have to pretend to be tough, they ain’t. I’m tough.
MR. T -
I was a straight-A student. But I was a bad lad.