I have the Midas touch, in the way that when I hook up with a project, I feel, not speaking cocky or conceited, but there’s a confidence I have.
MR. TI am a Christian, and the Bible teaches me to forgive.
More Mr. T Quotes
I don’t call up the press and say, ‘Look at me!’
MR. T -
If I’m a true follower of my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, I got to do the things you’re supposed to be doing.
MR. T -
If you look at my job, my union card, it says ‘actor.’ It don’t say nothing about celebrity, movie star, nothing like that, and that’s one thing that keeps me humble.
MR. T -
I go to cancer wards, and I tell them guys, ‘I’ve beaten it. You can, too.’
MR. T -
I said I would never wear my gold again because it would be insensitive and disrespectful to all the people who died and lost everything in Katrina.
MR. T -
I’m a free spirit.
MR. T -
To be a bodyguard is to be a kamikaze pilot. Dedicated.
MR. T -
I tell everybody, I get so much because I give so much. I give freely, I give all my time, give all my money, give all of my soul.
MR. T -
Rocky’ and ‘Rocky III’ were the best.
MR. T -
I’m a mama’s boy because everything I do is with respect to my mother.
MR. T -
As a Christian, you forgive, and you feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and you visit the sick and comfort the lonely.
MR. T -
I answer only to God.
MR. T -
I would travel with a suitcase full of diamonds and take them from point A to point B.
MR. T -
We had the wood shop, the machine shop, so I know about all that. I wanted to build buildings when I graduated from high school. I do know my way around that stuff.
MR. T -
I try to use my experience and the fact that I grew up in the ghetto – I tell people you don’t have to rob or steal to get out of the ghetto.