I sent out a tweet, ‘Dancing with the Stars’ should stop the jibber jabber.
MR. TI don’t like magic – but I have been known to make guys disappear.
More Mr. T Quotes
When I go out and I meet people who are suffering and they come and talk to me, Mr. T cries, Mr. T who could break a man’s jaw with his fist.
MR. T -
When I was old enough to change my name, I changed it to Mr. T so that the first word out of someone’s mouth was ‘Mister,’ a sign of respect.
MR. T -
I try to use my experience and the fact that I grew up in the ghetto – I tell people you don’t have to rob or steal to get out of the ghetto.
MR. T -
I learned that from Muhammad Ali; I used to bodyguard him. He taught me about confidence. So when it comes to any job I work, I’m gonna do it good; I’m going to bring it over the top.
MR. T -
Reading is the key to knowledge. Knowledge is the key to understanding. So read on, young man! Read on, young lady!
MR. T -
If I forget to pray, I can’t get through the day without snapping at people.
MR. T -
I always say I’m one of the toughest mama’s boys you’re ever gonna meet.
MR. T -
I was baptized by my father when I was 4 years old.
MR. T -
I used to bodyguard for Muhammad Ali, Leon Spinks, Sugar Ray Leonard. I used to bodyguard a lot of diamond merchants.
MR. T -
Rocky’ and ‘Rocky III’ were the best.
MR. T -
I listen to my mother, and that keeps me out of trouble. I’m a good son.
MR. T -
My faith was tested like Job. That’s the message I try to tell other people: just because you believe in God, serve God, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, people gotta realize, it don’t mean things not gonna happen to you.
MR. T -
I pray to God. I don’t pray to the president, the governor, the mayor, no black caucus, no this and that. I pray to God, and that’s the end of it.
MR. T -
My reputation grew because I was a professional. I did my job, and I was courteous – a no-nonsense guy.
MR. T -
I take a lot of pride in the work I do, because people pay to see me. They’ve got to get babysitters, park their car, get popcorn and candy. I’ve got to be conscious of that.