When you’re with her, I know you wish it was me. When I’m with him, he’s all I see.
MOOMERHe could only give her a world in black and white. And all she wanted was a life of color.
More Moomer Quotes
If only he would look at me. Look at me the way I look at poetry.
Never forget what broke you. And never forget how you put yourself back together.
I fell like the rain on a perfectly sunny afternoon. It rushed over me out of nowhere. It opened up the skies.
Love today. Gone tomorrow. Now you pass each other like strangers on a busy street.
He could only give her a world in black and white. And all she wanted was a life of color.
She decided to name the stars. And as each one fell from the sky, her body got warmer. Her heart opened.
People do not change for other people. They will only change for themselves.
I found him in all the chaos, and that was when my world started making sense again.
She was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
I will always remember you. And the way I bloomed. Not with you, but after you.
Whats so poetically beautiful about my world now, is that its finally mine.
Give me someone who will lay with me under a crescent moon, and quietly watch our worlds collide.
You were the type of person who would put bandaid over a knife wound, and casually as if I was okay.
Its okay to have high standards. You deserve exactly what you want.
The way that the water reflects off of her eyes, tells me a story of beautiful pain.