Give me someone who will lay with me under a crescent moon, and quietly watch our worlds collide.
MOOMERThe way that the water reflects off of her eyes, tells me a story of beautiful pain.
More Moomer Quotes
The only thing setting her off, are the fireworks he put inside of her soul.
I fell like the rain on a perfectly sunny afternoon. It rushed over me out of nowhere. It opened up the skies.
He admired the way I loved. Because I still gave everything that I had, even when I was left with nothing.
I long to be in a moment where it feels magic is real. Where time actually stops around us.
I finally found the peace of mind, that let me erase that piece of time.
And I’m just trying to find someone worthy enough to set my heart on fire.
I knew he could be my North Star when he made me feel something after being numb for so long.
Don’t force pieces that don’t fit.
She was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
I will always remember you. And the way I bloomed. Not with you, but after you.
Love today. Gone tomorrow. Now you pass each other like strangers on a busy street.
She decided to name the stars. And as each one fell from the sky, her body got warmer. Her heart opened.
Because next to you, I can see new life bloom. And by your side, I can feel both our worlds collide.
She left this world with so many unanswered questions. But returned with an open heart.
There is something poetic about the way she floats when she walks now.