She was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
MOOMERI want to exist in the same world where you just want to exist in mine.
More Moomer Quotes
I will always remember you. And the way I bloomed. Not with you, but after you.
The beautiful yet chaotic irony of it all is that; because of you, I lost myself, and yet, because of you, I found myself.
Give me someone who will lay with me under a crescent moon, and quietly watch our worlds collide.
There are things that I don’t say out loud. And so they just live in the roots of my soul.
What a miracle it is, that she never strayed from that light, that she always knew she would reach.
You were the type of person who would put bandaid over a knife wound, and casually as if I was okay.
I finally found the peace of mind, that let me erase that piece of time.
There is something poetic about the way she floats when she walks now.
Sometimes, the only hand you need to hold, is your own.
I’ve been in a daze the last few days, just wanting all of this to fade away.
These walls are so high, but I refuse to be a prisoner of my past.
I want to exist in the same world where you just want to exist in mine.
Because next to you, I can see new life bloom. And by your side, I can feel both our worlds collide.
I watched him make wishes on shooting stars and dandelions, while I stood there never knowing if I was enough.
I knew he could be my North Star when he made me feel something after being numb for so long.