These walls are so high, but I refuse to be a prisoner of my past.
MOOMERShe was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
More Moomer Quotes
I’ve been in a daze the last few days, just wanting all of this to fade away.
Stop blaming love when it’s people who hurt you.
The way that the water reflects off of her eyes, tells me a story of beautiful pain.
I hope hearing my name makes you break. Not all at once, but little by little.
It was then, sitting there, that I looked over him, and realized there was more.
And just like the leaves in the fall, she fell, too. And it changed her. And it was wonderful.
And some days, all she needs is to lay beneath the crescent moon and let the earth hold her.
I want to exist in the same world where you just want to exist in mine.
He could only give her a world in black and white. And all she wanted was a life of color.
I remember how I used to beg for his time, and now all you want is to give me all of yours.
The only thing setting her off, are the fireworks he put inside of her soul.
When you’re with her, I know you wish it was me. When I’m with him, he’s all I see.
Mark my words. Memories of me will haunt you when you sleep at night. No one forgets a love like mine.
The beautiful yet chaotic irony of it all is that; because of you, I lost myself, and yet, because of you, I found myself.
And I’m just trying to find someone worthy enough to set my heart on fire.