A tragedy is; I choose you. You choose me. Hearts choose safety.
MOOMERThe beautiful yet chaotic irony of it all is that; because of you, I lost myself, and yet, because of you, I found myself.
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Sometimes, the only hand you need to hold, is your own.
These walls are so high, but I refuse to be a prisoner of my past.
She decided to name the stars. And as each one fell from the sky, her body got warmer. Her heart opened.
She’s got a glow about her. The kind that says- She’s been through some dark pain, but she’s lighting her own way now.
The beautiful yet chaotic irony of it all is that; because of you, I lost myself, and yet, because of you, I found myself.
When you’d hurt, I’d rush to your side. When I’d hurt, you’d hide.
And I’m just trying to find someone worthy enough to set my heart on fire.
Mark my words. Memories of me will haunt you when you sleep at night. No one forgets a love like mine.
I watched him make wishes on shooting stars and dandelions, while I stood there never knowing if I was enough.
And some days, all she needs is to lay beneath the crescent moon and let the earth hold her.
I want to exist in the same world where you just want to exist in mine.
I’ve been in a daze the last few days, just wanting all of this to fade away.
There are things that I don’t say out loud. And so they just live in the roots of my soul.
When you’re with her, I know you wish it was me. When I’m with him, he’s all I see.
Love today. Gone tomorrow. Now you pass each other like strangers on a busy street.