These walls are so high, but I refuse to be a prisoner of my past.
MOOMERIt was then, sitting there, that I looked over him, and realized there was more.
More Moomer Quotes
What a miracle it is, that she never strayed from that light, that she always knew she would reach.
There are things that I don’t say out loud. And so they just live in the roots of my soul.
I remember how I used to beg for his time, and now all you want is to give me all of yours.
And I’m just trying to find someone worthy enough to set my heart on fire.
The way that the water reflects off of her eyes, tells me a story of beautiful pain.
Misery only ever lingers on those who choose not to see the beauty in anyone, other than themselves.
I found him in all the chaos, and that was when my world started making sense again.
Its okay to have high standards. You deserve exactly what you want.
I finally found the peace of mind, that let me erase that piece of time.
He was fire that crippled my bones. And you were the one who showed up out of nowhere, and carried me home.
She’s got a glow about her. The kind that says- She’s been through some dark pain, but she’s lighting her own way now.
I’m afraid to let lightening strike me, but I think you and I could be the perfect storm.
The only thing setting her off, are the fireworks he put inside of her soul.
Jump. See whose at the bottom when you land on your feet.
I’m choosing to build castle out of the things that nearly destroy me.