The beautiful yet chaotic irony of it all is that; because of you, I lost myself, and yet, because of you, I found myself.
MOOMERSometimes, the only hand you need to hold, is your own.
More Moomer Quotes
There is something poetic about the way she floats when she walks now.
Like deep water, she was silent. His lips tasted of salt. He was both addicting and bitter all at once.
If only he would look at me. Look at me the way I look at poetry.
Love today. Gone tomorrow. Now you pass each other like strangers on a busy street.
People do not change for other people. They will only change for themselves.
He could only give her a world in black and white. And all she wanted was a life of color.
She’s got a glow about her. The kind that says- She’s been through some dark pain, but she’s lighting her own way now.
Sometimes, the only hand you need to hold, is your own.
She was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
She stopped letting him clip her wings, and slowly made her way towards the sun.
I watched him make wishes on shooting stars and dandelions, while I stood there never knowing if I was enough.
Because next to you, I can see new life bloom. And by your side, I can feel both our worlds collide.
I closed a lot of doors, that used to be wide open. Bolted them shut so you couldn’t break them down again.
She left this world with so many unanswered questions. But returned with an open heart.
I want to exist in the same world where you just want to exist in mine.