People do not change for other people. They will only change for themselves.
MOOMERShe’s got a glow about her. The kind that says- She’s been through some dark pain, but she’s lighting her own way now.
More Moomer Quotes
There is something poetic about the way she floats when she walks now.
I fell like the rain on a perfectly sunny afternoon. It rushed over me out of nowhere. It opened up the skies.
You were the type of person who would put bandaid over a knife wound, and casually as if I was okay.
He could only give her a world in black and white. And all she wanted was a life of color.
She left this world with so many unanswered questions. But returned with an open heart.
Jump. See whose at the bottom when you land on your feet.
I remember how I used to beg for his time, and now all you want is to give me all of yours.
These walls are so high, but I refuse to be a prisoner of my past.
He admired the way I loved. Because I still gave everything that I had, even when I was left with nothing.
When you’re with her, I know you wish it was me. When I’m with him, he’s all I see.
What a miracle it is, that she never strayed from that light, that she always knew she would reach.
And some days, all she needs is to lay beneath the crescent moon and let the earth hold her.
She was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
Give me someone who will lay with me under a crescent moon, and quietly watch our worlds collide.
It was then, sitting there, that I looked over him, and realized there was more.