To change the world is not your mission. To change yourself is not your duty. To awaken to your true nature is your opportunity.
MOOJIMind is there, in front of you. Don’t log in.
More Mooji Quotes
It is not about mind-watching; but rather recognizing That which watches the mind.
Be true to Love. Do not betray Her. Then, on the day that the forest of the mind bursts into flames, you will not run. You will remain silent and still; for this is when Love bears Her sweetest fruit: untouched Presence.
Attention pays attention to a lot of things, but when attention pays attention to attention, then there is a stillness, and that stillness introduces you to your Self.
If you could look inside the Heart of any and every single human being, you would fall in love with them completely. If you see the inside as it really Is and not as your mind projects it to be, you would be so purely in love with the whole thing.
If you seek approval from others in this world, you will not know happiness.
Some people know they are dreaming when they are asleep. You must also know you are dreaming when you wake-up. When you know you are dreaming when you wake up, then you are really waking up.
If you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.
Ignoring the mind is a beautiful sadhana. This is what many of the sages did. They ignored the mind out of existence. It loses its influence and its potency when it is ignored.
When you see what is not real, this laughter comes.
Don’t belong to anything. Don’t belong to anyone. Just Be. Feel your Being first and foremost, and don’t compare or compete. Just Be your Being.
At the end of the day, you can have something in your head, something in your hand, or something in your heart. What are you choosing?
Out of the formless the forms appear.
God can never be close. God can never be close because it would mean that there is some place where God is not. God is infinite. We cannot exist outside of the infinite. Therefore, God is our Reality.
There is an intuitive knowing within us that we are eternal but this gets covered over with the noise we create while identifying with the impermanent.
Your urge to control life controls you.