You need nothing to be happy – you need something to be sad.
MOOJILet the mind come as it wants; just you don’t go with it. The greatest salesman in the world cannot sell you if you don’t buy.
More Mooji Quotes
Don’t remind the world that it is sick and troubled. Remind it that it is beautiful and free.
Be true to Love. Do not betray Her. Then, on the day that the forest of the mind bursts into flames, you will not run. You will remain silent and still; for this is when Love bears Her sweetest fruit: untouched Presence.
Surrender is not a weakness it is strength.It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme – to the cosmic unfolding.
In the spiritual journey, you cannot be a wine taster, you have to become a drunk.
Something brought you here. Trust that it will satisfy its own intention to take you Home.
Focus your mind on ‘I Am’, which is pure and simple being. You are Here and Now only. Contemplate what it is to be fully ‘Here’ and fully ‘Now’. For this you must leave all else. Stay only as here-now Conscious presence. This is Heart. This is Self.
Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet.
If you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.
Life is so much wiser and kinder than your mind imagines. Trust & Be Still.
When you see what is not real, this laughter comes.
If you wish to find Love, don’t look for the object of love but rather for the source of love. There you will find the Beloved.
The final bridge to cross is to let go of the mind-created ‘spiritual’ self. Burn that bridge behind you. Stay empty of self-image and cease looking back. Remain in the neutrality of being. That’s it!
Everything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.
It’s not what the mind says. It’s how seriously it is taken.
Attention pays attention to a lot of things, but when attention pays attention to attention, then there is a stillness, and that stillness introduces you to your Self.