When you see what is not real, this laughter comes.
MOOJIIf you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.
More Mooji Quotes
Life is so much wiser and kinder than your mind imagines. Trust & Be Still.
Everything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.
It’s not what the mind says. It’s how seriously it is taken.
The ocean does not require that the waves are still to be more ocean-like.
If you do not trust life to unfold, the mind takes over and it becomes a game of strategy, motivated by anxiety. This mistrust is unfair. Life has given us so much, and yet we do not trust it.
When you drop all your ideas, fantasies and projections about who you are and what freedom is and remain completely empty, this is freedom.
Your mantra is thank you. Just keep saying thank you. Don’t explain. Don’t complain. Just say thank you. Say thank you to existence.
Wanting something to make you happy is a sure way to be miserable.
Who reminds you to breathe and to beat your heart? Something is there, taking care.
Surrender is not a weakness it is strength.It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme – to the cosmic unfolding.
No thought has any power. You have power. And when you identify and believe in the thought you give power to the thought.
Face your fears and stop allowing the mind to hold you captive.
If you wish to find Love, don’t look for the object of love but rather for the source of love. There you will find the Beloved.
In the spiritual journey, you cannot be a wine taster, you have to become a drunk.
It is not about mind-watching; but rather recognizing That which watches the mind.